Sharing projects, initiatives and materials from across the ELT World

Introducing our On-Going Projects

The ELT Footprint group is an incredibly dynamic and committed group of people who believe in the power of people coming together to coordinate efforts and focus on effective action in specific spheres.
Rock Climbers

The projects we’re sharing here on the blog are the fruit of posts and conversations on our Facebook page. Some have been kicked off by a small group who have formed in one of the many threads and then opened up to the whole group. Others provide a space for collecting thoughts, suggestions and calls-to-action so that they don’t get lost in the many busy conversations.

This blog came into existence to host these projects. Any member of the group can suggest or contribute to any of the projects. It’s a very organic process. Hopefully it gives everyone a chance to contribute where they want to and feel that they can.

At the moment we have three open projects which are calling for further comments and contributions ( click on the Work in Progress tab above to see the full list of projects). Click on the links below to find out more. The links are currently set to view only. If you’d like to contribute, please leave a comment below or send an email to the address on the About page.

  1. Suggestions for conference organisers
  2. Good practice: events and conferences
  3. Tips for Trainers

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