Sharing projects, initiatives and materials from across the ELT World

Category: Lesson Plans

World Wildlife Day 2020

In this short post, we share some ideas for how we can mark this special day in class and use it as an opportunity to encourage our students to appreciate the wonders and diversity of our natural world.

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The Eco-Kindness Calendar

Are you looking for a project to use with your YLs in the run-up to the December holidays (or at any time in fact)? The eco-kindness calendar was co-written on our Facebook page. It’s both a ready-to-go lesson plan and a kick-off point for your own ideas.

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Presenting the Conference Survival Kit

In a conversation about a week ago, we were talking about conferences and footprints and environmental impact. It’s a topic that crops up again and again in the ELT Footprint group and in conversations that are going on around the edges of the group. In this particular conversation, the idea of a “conference survival kit” was suggested.  This would be a kind of zero waste kit, enabling conference-goers to reject one-use plastic and paper and reduce their footprint as much as possible in terms of generating waste (which in turn of course means generating less carbon both in the production of the one-use items we’re rejecting and in the subsequent waste-management processes).

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Guest Post: The Recycling Quiz

We’re very happy to welcome Anita Demitroff, a teacher and trainer from Galicia in the North of Spain, as our first guest blogger with a project-based lesson plan for young learners.

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