Sharing projects, initiatives and materials from across the ELT World

Category: Greening ELT (Series)

Press release from International House World Organisation

Press release: International House World Organisation leads IH network to “Protect our Planet” Saturday 10th October 2020 We all know that the activity of us human beings has a significant impact on the environment. We are polluting the atmosphere and rivers and seas, cutting down forests and ruining unspoilt habitats, dumping plastics into the oceans and

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Guest post: Calculating your Conference’s Carbon Footprint (JALT)

A big thank you to the JALT(Japan Association for Language Teaching) Environmental Committee , Jennie Roloff Rothman (chair), Mark Brierley and Brent Simmonds for putting together this detailed and fascinating report on how they set about calculating the various aspects of conference organisation that contribute to the global carbon footprint of their national event in November 2019. A must-read for anyone looking to do the same with their event, ELT or otherwise.

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Greening ELT: Greenpositive – a new initiative for a new year

In our 9th post in the Greening ELT series, we are sharing some news from the Spanish association for private language schools, FECEI , who are launching a new initiative – Greenpositive – and inviting member schools to sign up to make their businesses more sustainable in 2020. The following blog post explains the background to the scheme and shares a link to the Greenpositive guidelines.

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Greening ELT: TESOL France Colloquium 2019

In our fifth post in the Greening ELT series, we’d like to say a big thank you to Jennifer Taylor at TESOL France for sharing information about how the association is reducing the environmental impact of their colloquium in Lille on November 30 -December 1 2019. (Click on the link to find out more about the event).

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