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Diet and its Impact on the Environment

Fruits, Vegetables, Artichoke, Banana, Berries, Cabbage
shared by Pixabay

Here’s a list of resources that have been shared on the group relating to diet and climate change. They touch on a range of different topics and include links to videos, resources for schools and call-outs by national and international campaigns. This page is a work in progress and we’ll keep adding lesson materials and interesting links as they get shared in the group.

  1. Meat Free Mondays : Meat free Monday resources for schools| Meat free Mondays worksheets shared on google drive by Clyde Fowle.

  2. Diet and climate change – five-minute clip with subtitles to support content – suitable for B1+ , teens and preteens, adults – covers both the good and the bad of meat  – part of a series by the University of California.

  3. Another episode by the same team on the impact of takeout food .

  4. BBC Learning English – 6 minute English podcast (intermediate) Could you go vegan?  Including useful vocabulary, a useful gist question, downloadable audio and transcript – the BBC Learning English site also has a six-minute lesson on debating for intermediate students Debating veganism: How to change someone’s opinion

  5. TED talk : Graham Hill talks about why he’s a weekday vegetarian

  6. An article that appeared in the Guardian announcing Goldsmith’s college’s decision to ban beef. It prompted a lot of discussion on the ELT Footprint Facebook page where we thought it would be useful as a springboard for a debate or a ‘for and against’ type writing task.

  7. A short BBC video with subtitles poses the question ‘Would you eat recycled landfill meat?’ The video has had more than 4 million views and is a good way to raise awareness about attitudes to food waste.
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