Sharing projects, initiatives and materials from across the ELT World


On this page we will be adding links to articles, interviews, videos and podcasts that have been published outside the blog.

World Teacher’s Day Web Conference – Closing Plenary

Saturday October 5 2019. Katherine Bilsborough and Daniel Barber gave a joint webinar as the closing plenary of this online event organised by the British Council and International House. You can see the recording here. (You may need to download Adobe Connect). And you can find out more about the event here.

ELT Footprint World Teachers Day Webinar

Modern English Teacher – Article

Katherine Bilsborough and Christopher Graham wrote an article about ELT Footprint for the Ocotber 2019 edition of the MET magazine, Steps to a Greener Profession. We were kindly given permission to share it here on the blog.

Modern English Teacher

TEFL Commute – Interview

Katherine Bilsborough and Ceri Jones were interviewed by Lindsay Clandfield and Shaun Wilden for a special “green” episode of the popular podcast. You can hear the episode here.

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