Sharing projects, initiatives and materials from across the ELT World

Tag: Sustainability

Greening ELT: Greenpositive – a new initiative for a new year

In our 9th post in the Greening ELT series, we are sharing some news from the Spanish association for private language schools, FECEI , who are launching a new initiative – Greenpositive – and inviting member schools to sign up to make their businesses more sustainable in 2020. The following blog post explains the background to the scheme and shares a link to the Greenpositive guidelines.

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Greening ELT : FECEI

In the third post in our Greening ELT series, we would like to thank Scott Markham, president of the Spanish organisation, FECEI (Federación Española de Centros de Enseñanza de Idiomas, Spanish Federation of Language Schools)  for sharing an update on the organisation’s most recent initiatives.

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Behind the Scenes: Greening a Conference

I’m new in the world of event organization and I was really pleased to be invited to join a local conference organizing committee recently.  One of the aims of the committee is to review and extend the sustainability of the event from an environmental point of view.

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UK ELT & the Environment: a Report

Chris Etchells recently shared this very comprehensive report with us on the ELT Footprint Facebook group. I’d like to share some extracts from the foreword and the background as an introduction. And I’d also like to thank Chris and the team for sharing their work with us on behalf of everyone at ELT Footprint.

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