A big hello to all ELT Footprinters and friends! One year ago today (May 18 2019), Daniel Barber made a climate emergency declaration on behalf of the ELT community at the Innovate ELT conference in Barcelona. (Read more about it here [add link to iELT blog]). This led to all kinds of conversations online and off. You may have been part of those conversations. And one of the things that emerged was the idea of creating a shared online space where ELT people of all walks of life could meet to share ideas, make plans and support each other in their endeavours to make our profession greener and more environmentally responsible. One week later, on Friday May 24, coinciding with a massive global climate march, the ELT Footprint group was launched. And hence the invitation – we are inviting you to help us mark the occasion as the ELT Footprint community celebrates its first year!
We weren’t sure how best to celebrate the occasion so we put our collective heads together (all 2,800+ of them!) to come up with some ideas, and this is what we came up with:
1 A suggestion by Alistair Lane:

2 & 3 Two suggestions by Daniel Barber:

We’re going to be running the three threads all day on May 24 on Twitter (but feel free to join in earlier if you want!) using the hashtag #eltfootprint1stbirthday. So please share your photos, your quotes and the new skills you’ve learned for a greener future!
4 A suggestion from Jon Hird

5 A suggestion from Fiona Dunbar:

6 A suggestion from Jodie Carnegie Fowler:

We’ll be opening three different threads for these three ideas on the Facebook group – look out for them on our Facebook feed (we’ll also be posting updates on Twitter and LinkedIn). The First Birthday Watch Party will be held on Sunday May 24 at 18.00 CEST (UTC +2). If you have any ideas for videos you’d like to see on the playlist, you can add them here in the comments, or click on this link to add them to our Watch Party playlist.
If you have any suggestions for other ways to celebrate, we’d love to hear them. Really, the more, the merrier, so that each and every one of us can choose the way we want to mark the day and celebrate our community!