So what have we achieved so far? Here are a few statistics from the Facebook group.
- 7.4K posts, comments and reactions
- 297 posts
- Peak time 22.00 CEST / 21.00 BST / 20.00 GMT
- Two of our top posts have been calls to action
- We have members from Barcelona to Brisbane, Manchester to Minsk.
On May 31, celebrating our one week-versary, we launched our blog with a post from Katherine Bilsborough. This is only our third blog post but we have also added 20 pages with a range of resources and materials. Three of these pages are homes to three of our on-going projects: a charter for a greener classroom – guidelines to share and discuss with trainees on certificate and diploma course both on and offline; examples of good practice in conferences and other ELT events; suggestions for greening conferences. Three pages celebrate key dates: June 5 World Environment Day, June 8 World Oceans Day, June 15 Nature Photography Day. Two further pages house links to a variety of lessons plans and materials as well as useful links. All these pages are work in progress, and we add to them as and when we can. If you feel like joining in, just let us know!
What’s next? Basically it’s up to you! We have a few more projects bubbling away in the background (watch this space to find out more!) and lots of interesting conversations and initiatives going on behind the scenes. One area we’re exploring is drawing up a list of examples of good practice in school management, another is drawing up a comprehensive checklist to support conference and event organisers (this one will be going public very soon, we’ll announce it here and on the group).
All these projects have grown directly from conversations in the group and have been fuelled by volunteers behind the scenes and contributions in the various threads. If there are any projects you’d like to be part of, or something you feel very strongly about and want to find like-minded people to support you, please feel free to use this blog, or the Facebook group, to get involved.