World Wildlife Day
This page is currently a WORK IN PROGRESS. Please visit this blog post for links to resources and lesson plans.
This page is currently a WORK IN PROGRESS. Please visit this blog post for links to resources and lesson plans.
This page was put together for Buy Nothing Day (coinciding with Black Friday) on Nov 29 2019, but a lot of the links and ideas can just as easily be used for a lesson on shopping and consumerism in general and questioning what we buy, how we buy etc. A lesson from Owain Llewelyn over
This page has been put together for the week-long climate strike from September 20 to September 27, but it is equally valid for any other climate action, or call to action. It’s an on-going work in progress so if you visit and think of something you’d like to add or share, please let us know
Still a work in progress – all suggestions and comments very gratefully accepted! 🙂 This page is dedicated to individuals who are making a difference. All the eco-heroes below have been nominated by someone in the ELT Footprint group. If you’d like to add someone, please let us know in the comments. Thanks! 1 Greta
shared by Pixabay If you’d like to introduce the topic of festivals in the classroom, maybe especially with teens and young adults (though of course not forgetting we’re all young at heart!), you may find the links below useful. This page was inspired by a conversation that kicked off when Katherine Bilsborough shared this article
This is a list of resources and lesson plans aimed at nurturing and giving voice to an appreciation of nature. Nature Photography Day June 15 – this is a link to a lesson by Kate Cory-Wright for the British Council Learning English site. Encouraging students to appreciate the beauty of the natural world. A pack
Here’s a list of resources that have been shared on the group relating to diet and climate change. They touch on a range of different topics and include links to videos, resources for schools and call-outs by national and international campaigns. This page is a work in progress and we’ll keep adding lesson materials and
We will be adding lesson plans and materials to this page to celebrate World Oceans Day in class. An article with interactive exercises and discussion forum from the British Council Learning English magazine: World Oceans Day A lesson from Owain Llewelyn at ELT Sustainable for teens and young learners at B1 and above . A
Here is a list of lesson ideas, resources and materials that were shared on the Facebook group in the couple of days before June 5, World Environment Day. There are videos, article, lesson plans and a song for our youngest students. A three-minute clip from the BBC on Greta Thurnberg: Climate change – the facts