This page has been put together for the week-long climate strike from September 20 to September 27, but it is equally valid for any other climate action, or call to action. It’s an on-going work in progress so if you visit and think of something you’d like to add or share, please let us know in the comments (or send us a message through the About section).
- This simple but very powerful video clip from Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot is simple to use, the images and subtitles support the voices and the content. Katy Kelly shared it with us on the group. She is sharing it within her teaching community. It makes a great start for a lesson, a series of lessons, a plan of action – anything really! Here’s a link to a slideshow with some simple activities you can use to exploit the video.
- a simple article explaining the timing and the reach of the strikes and the week of action Greta Thunberg is leading kids and adults from 150 countries in a massive Friday climate strike – it includes a link to an interactive map on the Global Climate Strike website, teachers could ask their students to find out what action is happening in their local area.
- the Global Climate Strike website has a resources tab which includes resources for creating posters – real and digital – it’s also running a social media “challenge” where they encourage people to post selfies with the #climatestrike hashtag: Tell your story
- Expanding on the “tell your story” idea above, teachers can encourage students to make their own posters, take photos (no faces included) and share them on Twitter with a local or global hashtag (for example in my context I might choose to use #cadizporelclima or #teachersforfuturespain) – or on a more private channel if you prefer – though going public and seeing that they’re joining a global movement can be very motivating. At ELTFooprint, we’d like to suggest joining in by adding our hashtag as well #eltfootprint.
- Owain Llewelyn at ELT Sustainable has created and shared a multimedia literacy lesson on his blog for B2 and above. Owain believes very strongly in the power of classroom teachers to raise awareness across the world. If you don’t already know his blog, it is really well worth exploring for a host of lessons on a wide variety of themes.
- Schools in Spain are sharing an app with simple, achievable microactions for each day of the week ( a minute’s silence, wear a green t-shirt, watch a video, make a poster, share the posters in the schoolyard). (Thanks to Gwyneth Sarah Sims for sharing).

- Check out our Eco-heroes page for imspirational stories of positive action from around the world. These are great stories to share in class and kick start research, projects, story-telling lessons etc.
Work in progress! Please add suggestions in the comments. Thanks!